How Healthy are College Students in 2015?

We surveyed over 5,000 current college students to find out more about their health and exercise habits. The data collected reveals how college students are choosing the foods that they eat and their perspective on exercising. From this study, we can conclude students are growing more conscious of what they put into their bodies (choosing organic and reading nutritional labels) and exercising on regular basis.

The Results: Exercise Habits

"On a weekly basis, how often do you exercise?"

"Which activities are part of your regular routine?"

"Do you enjoy attending gym classes / group programs?"

"Do you enjoy working out alone?"

The Results: Consumption Habits

"Do you make a conscious effort to eat organic foods?"

"Do you read the Nutrition Facts labels on grocery items?"

"Do you ever skip meals?"

"Do you regularly watch your calorie intake?"

"Do you regularly watch your sugar intake?"

"Do you smoke cigarettes?"

Contact Us

Any questions about the survey or its results? Feel free to shoot us a message!