Dianabol Dosage


Dianabol’s nature as an oral anabolic steroid tends to limit its variation of use, and creates a limited flexibility under which Dianabol can be used in terms of Dianabol dosages and Dbol cycles. Oral anabolic steroids are typically meant to serve as a supportive compound and/or a ‘kickstart’ compound in a cycle where other compounds are utilized as a base. A ‘kickstart’ is a practice whereby the user will include an oral anabolic steroid in a cycle for the first several weeks (this is usually done in tandem with a long-estered injectable anabolic steroid due to the longer kick-in period). Because the kick-in period for most injectables (especially long esters) is a matter of a few weeks into a cycle, one usually will not experience the positive effects until such time. The oral anabolic steroid utilized during these first few weeks will enable the user to experience the positive anabolic effects of the oral while the effects of the injectable compound slowly increase. By the time the oral compound is discontinued (or nearing the end of its use), the injectable compound’s anabolic effects are in full swing and a near seamless transition is made. Anabol is one such anabolic steroid that is commonly utilized to this effect as a kickstarting compound due to its considerable anabolic strength. Other compounds used in this same manner are similar powerful mass building compounds, such as Anadrol-50 and other compounds that favor bulking and significant mass increases. Because of this somewhat limited nature, Dianabol is most commonly reserved for cycles where sheer bulking and mass addition is the primary goal, and this is a compound that is seldom seen used in a fat loss or pre-contest cycle. Essentially any anabolic steroid can be used for either purpose, but it is the Estrogenic nature of Dianabol that places it almost exclusively in the category of bulking while users tend to shy away from its use in cutting cycles. Regardless of the type of cycle in which its included, Dbol doses across the board do not commonly change whether bulking or cutting, and this is due in large part to its great strength and potency.


Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dianabol Dosages

When using this compounds for any particular goal, high Dianabol doses are generally unnecessary in the midst of its potency and strength as an anabolic steroid. It is because of its significant potency and strength that it is regarded as one of the best anabolic steroids in the cost:benefit ratio department, where potential gains versus the cost of an effective dose required to bring about positive changes are concerned. One other important factor to remember is that of hepatotoxicity of the compound, where hepatotoxicity is increased in relation to increasing doses. Because of its strong anabolic nature, it should never be necessary to run very high doses (and thereby risking increased toxicity) in order to see dramatic physique changes. With this point made, the original dose guidelines expounded by Dr. Ziegler and his medical team in 1955 is that of 5mg per day for a period of no greater than a 6 week period. A 5mg Dianabol dose is commonly considered to be on the low end, but make no mistake – 5mg is sufficient enough to still increase athletic performance. However, it is not a high enough Dianabol dose necessary to make dramatic physique changes, or the caliber of physique changes that most users desire. Thus, a Dianabol dose better suited for those types of goals lands in the range of 15-30mg per day for beginners, and 30-50mg per day for intermediate and advanced users. Some commonly seen higher doses (mostly in the advanced user realm) have gone as high as 80-100mg per day, but this is very unnecessary and increases the risk of harmful effects and side effects on the body. Advanced users are known for generally utilizing higher Dianabol doses than beginners or intermediate users, it is very important to understand that the definition of an advanced user is not higher doses of compounds. With Dianabol’s relative inflexible nature, its dosing schemes are fairly limited by its hepatotoxicity and by its potency which in and of itself negates the necessity for very high doses. This inflexibility in Dianabol dosages does not necessarily shed a bad light on it, but these are some very important points to remember.

Female Dianabol Dosage

The use of Dianabol among female anabolic steroid users is quite seldom. Rarely will female athletes tend to use it for physique and performance enhancement due to androgenic side effects presenting virilization issues. It has been mentioned previously that Dianabol’s androgenic strength is measurably less than that of its parent hormone Testosterone, but this still does not negate the fact that this androgen does still possess moderate androgenic activity in the body. Virilization symptoms can still be a major issue with use among female users. For the small percentage of female users that do run Dianabol, doses are often found at around 2.5 – 5mg per day. 10mg per day is considered the higher end of dosing for females, and at these doses many female users have reported increased acne development and the formulation of other virilization symptoms. It is unnecessary for very high doses to be used, however. This is due to the potent anabolic nature of Dbol, and it should not be necessary for female athletes to have to venture higher than 5mg daily.

Proper Administration and Timing of Dianabol Dosages

Dianabol possesses a half-life of approximately 4.5 – 6 hours and may vary depending on the individual and their metabolism, but its generally regarded as an anabolic steroid with a fairly short half-life (especially in comparison with other compounds). It is because of this relatively short half-life that users are advised to dose it in a split dose fashion throughout the day. Dianabol doses which are administered once per day will undoubtedly result in unstable blood plasma levels akin to peaks and valleys. Doses that exceed 5mg per day should be split up into at least two doses evenly apart throughout the day. For example, if a user is administering 40mg per day, this person would administer 20mg first thing in the morning and the remaining 20mg dose approximately 5 – 6 hours later in the day. There exist different opinions and practices when it comes to dosing protocols. There are many users that prefer to consume a full 20mg Dianabol dose, for example, all at once instead of splitting the 20mg dose in half and consuming each half 6 hours apart. Administering doses in this manner as a single daily dose produces a far higher blood plasma level and a faster blood plasma peak at a single moment. In contrast, split dose protocols result in a lower, steadier, and longer lasting blood plasma level. Single-dosing protocols benefit the user in one particular area where the user would consume a full Dianabol dose at a critical period where nutrient uptake is of extreme importance. The nutrient partitioning effects that Dianabol provides would prove very beneficial in these short but crucial time windows. Advantageous situations in which to perform single-dose protocols would be, for example, in a post-workout scenario. Administration of doses immediately following a training session would provide a fast and sharp blood plasma spike of the anabolic hormone, and this would facilitate the nutrient partitioning effect to a great degree when the user consumes protein and carbohydrates following a training session. It then stands to reason that those wishing to experience the advantages of both methods should engage in a mixture of both protocols where the split-dose protocol is performed on non-workout days, and single-dose protocols performed on workout days immediately following a workout.

Expectations and Results From Dianabol Dosages

Gains produced from the use of Dbol do not vary a great deal between users. Most users will on average experience the same types of mass building gains from this compound. As previously mentioned, it is for the most part an anabolic steroid best utilized for the purpose of mass, strength and bulking applications. The average user should expect significant amounts of weight gain in very short periods of time, most usually two weeks following the first administration. At doses of 20mg per day, gains of 10-15 lbs. in a matter of a few weeks are not uncommon especially for beginners. But as one should expect from a compound like this, not all of this mass is usually lean muscle. Dianabol is known for its Estrogenic effects in promoting water gain and possible fat retention, which can compose a solid portion of any given amount of mass gain. If its run alongside an Aromatase Inhibitor, water retention caused by Estrogen can be effectively eliminated. This is when the more desirable and realistic lean mass gains can be experienced, where more realistically lean mass gains expected can be in the range of 5-10 lbs. within the first few weeks.