Monthly Archives: September 2019

Study: Vitamin C Increases Breast Cancer Survival Odds

A team of Swedish researchers have recently discovered that women already diagnosed with breast cancer are significantly more likely to survive if they “super dose” with Vitamin C on a regular basis. According to this new groundbreaking report, every 100 mg of Vitamin C these women take reduces their overall chances of their breast cancer becoming fatal by 25%. Considering the fact that breast Read more [...]

Study: Walnuts Lower LDL Cholesterol (Bad)

Scientists and researchers operating out of the Loma Linda University in the United States have come across what could be a major breakthrough in how we understand cholesterol (particularly LDL-cholesterol), its impact on the human body, and how we might more effectively fight back against the “bad cholesterol” that can wreak havoc on our health and well-being. Publishing new research in Read more [...]

Study: More Testosterone and Less Estradiol in Coffee Drinkers

  Harvard university researchers have recently published a new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition highlighting a connection between individuals that drink a couple of cups of coffee every day and elevated testosterone levels. These epidemiologists also discovered that those consuming at least a couple of cups of coffee every day also had lower levels of estradiol in Read more [...]

Take L-Citrulline When Dieting To Maintain Muscle

According to new research conducted by scientists at a French University, those looking to build pounds of lean muscle mass while working out are going to want to add a significant amount of L-citrulline amino acids to their daily diet (just before they go to sleep) – especially if they are on a low-calorie diet and want to lose weight at the same time as they bulk up. This new research report Read more [...]