Monthly Archives: February 2019

Kenyan Marathon Runner Gets Suspended After Testing Positive For Anabolic Steroids

It’s no secret in the athletic community that the people of Kenyan are absolutely dominant runners, some of the most accomplished and successful marathoners on the planet, and some of the most finely tuned athletes when it comes to these kinds of competitions. Not only are these athletes unitedly predisposed to dominate in these events, but they also go through rigorous training that allows them Read more [...]

Prison Worker Jailed After Smuggling Anabolic Steroids

It’s a tale as old as time, but with a very interesting little wrinkle. A nice woman finds herself falling for a bit of a bad boy, swayed by his charisma and his charm. The bad boy really lays it on thick and convinces a nice young lady to risk it all, and before you know it she finds herself in over her head – in more ways than one. In this situation, however, the nice young lady was abusing Read more [...]