Toremifene Dosage


Toremifene is fast becoming a very common and popular anti-estrogen, and this is mainly owed to the fact that there have been some promising clinical trials demonstrating its capabilities. In particular, it has demonstrated some advantages over its close sister compound Nolvadex, but has also demonstrated some disadvantages as well. These have all been thoroughly covered in the Toremifene Introduction of this profile under the subcategory of Properties of Toremifene. It is a very new compound to have hit the medical scene, and even more recent within the field of anabolic steroids and performance and physique enhancement among bodybuilders and athletes. Therefore, it should be well understood by the reader that clinical details in regards to Toremifene (Fareston) have focused almost exclusively upon female breast cancer patients, for which this compound is currently utilized for. When determining details such as the appropriate Toremifene dosage, it is important to understand that the response a breast cancer patient experiences is very different from the response a bodybuilder or athlete experiences from a given Toremifene dosage.

Furthermore, these differences in response are not limited only to Toremifene dosage but to general effects as well. It is a very new medicine that has only been officially approved for use as of 1997, and as of the date of writing of this profile (2013), its use in clinical and medical settings has only occurred for 16 years. Even then, its use among the anabolic steroid using community did not occur until many years later when anabolic steroid using bodybuilders and athletes began to take notice of it (circa early to mid-2000s). In comparison, Nolvadex has been extensively used and studied within medicine for well over 5 decades, and its uses and findings have been well-established. While Toremifene has not been found to exhibit certain characteristics that Nolvadex is known for (such as carcinogenic effects on the liver from long term use or the drastic reduction of IGF-1 levels), it does not for a single moment mean that Toremifene does not express these same effects. For all intents and purposes, Toremifene is a very closely related sibling of Nolvadex and it might very well be possible that these effects are yet to be documented with Toremifene dosages.

Generally, when it comes to Toremifene doses, they must be much higher than its most comparable compound, Nolvadex. Of course, Toremifene doses also depend on the purpose it is being used for. Anabolic steroid using bodybuilders and athletes for the most part reserve their Toremifene use and Toremifene dosage for two primary uses: one purpose is for the purpose of mitigating, blocking, or preventing gynecomastia, and the second purpose is for the recovery of endogenous Testosterone production during PCT, following the end of an anabolic steroid cycle. One benefit to the lower potency and effectiveness of Toremifene dosage compared to Nolvadex is the larger margin for Toremifene dosage adjustment. For example, the Toremifene dosage required for the treatment of gynecomastia is much lower than the Toremifene doses required for the restoration of HPTA function. This will be discussed further in this section of the profile.

Prior to outlining further details of use and dosage, the following important note must be made to the reader:

The use of SERMs or any anti-Estrogens should only be utilized when absolutely required, and should be discontinued as soon as the requirements to use them (such as gynecomastia or insufficient androgen production) have desisted.

Medical Toremifene Dosage

Toremifene (Fareston) is utilized medically and clinically for the purpose of metastatic breast cancer in post-menopausal females who exhibit Estrogen-receptor positive (or Estrogen-receptor unknown) tumor growth. For such purpose, the medical Toremifene dosage is 60mg per day. Most clinical studies performed upon breast cancer patients (as well as animal studies) have administered a medical Toremifene dosage in the range of 30 – 60mg per day. The vast majority of prescription Toremifene products contain 60mg tablets anyhow.

Toremifene Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use

Due to the nature of the compound, it is impossible to categorize Toremifene into the typical three tiers of users (the three tiers being beginners, intermediates, and advanced). These are normally broken down and explained in the majority of profiles concerning the different anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Toremifene in particular is not normally utilized for the sole (or direct) purpose of physique or performance enhancement, and is instead known as an ancillary support compound. As an ancillary compound, Toremifene is utilized by anabolic steroid users to mitigate various undesirable side effects caused by excessive production of Estrogen when aromatizable anabolic steroids are used. In some ways, Toremifene could be said to enhance performance somewhat as a result of its endogenous Testosterone boosting effects via HPTA stimulation. However, the use of Toremifene doses for this purpose is highly unlikely to produce significant performance or physique enhancing changes. In this instance, a Toremifene dosage protocol is best utilized for the purpose of restoring HPTA and endogenous hormone function during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).

For the purpose of mitigating gynecomastia (either prevention, treatment, mitigation, or otherwise): the Toremifene dosage required during the use of aromatizable anabolic steroids for the prevention of gynecomastia is that of 30 – 60mg per day. In the event that gynecomastia has already begun to form (or has already formed), it is recommended to utilize a stronger Toremifene dosage of 120mg per day until gynecomastia symptoms subside. If gynecomastia has already developed (or is in the midst of development), it is recommended to run Toremifene alongside an aromatase inhibitor for the greatest possible effects.

An important note to make is that while Nolvadex has demonstrated to negatively impact IGF-1 levels during use, Toremifene has yet to demonstrate this effect in clinical studies. It is for this reason that Nolvadex is not recommended to be utilized on a chronic daily basis while on-cycle, for IGF-1 levels (a very important anabolic hormone) will be drastically reduced, impacting the potential gains during cycle. It should be kept in mind, however, that Toremifene is an almost identical sibling compound to Nolvadex and that it might very well be possible that it exhibits the same activity in the body, and that it is yet to be noticed in clinical studies. It could be possible that Toremifene exhibits far less of an impact on IGF-1 levels than does Nolvadex, but that increasing doses of Toremifene might have the same effect. Furthermore, it is not recommended to run Toremifene more than is minimally necessary during cycles due to the sheer fact that it causes SHBG levels to increase, reducing total free Testosterone in the body[1].

Female Toremifene Dosage

Female anabolic steroid users should not require Toremifene, as the development and growth of breast tissue (gynecomastia) should not be a concern among female anabolic steroid users. The only notable utilization of Toremifene by females is for the purpose of treating female breast cancer patients, as mentioned above under the Medical Toremifene Dosage section.

Toremifene Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

The beneficial effects of Toremifene doses on the HPTA and endogenous Testosterone production in males has been documented in clinical studies. As described in the introduction of this profile, this is the result of Toremifene’s antagonistic effects on the hypothalamus where it serves to bind to Estrogen receptors located on the hypothalamus. As a result, the hypothalamus is essentially tricked into thinking that there is a severe lack of Estrogen in circulation in the bloodstream, and responds by signaling the pituitary gland to increase the production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). These two hormones are responsible for signaling the Leydig cells of the testes to begin manufacturing Testosterone in an effort to increase the aromatization of this Testosterone to restore the Estrogen levels that the hypothalamus has been ‘tricked’ into thinking are low. The result is an increase in Testosterone production and greater function of the HPTA.

The Toremifene dosage required for this purpose, however, is much larger than the Toremifene dosage required for the mitigation or blocking of gynecomastia. Studies have demonstrated that Toremifene, when administered at doses of 60mg daily, raised Testosterone levels in test subjects by 42%[2]. This is a significant increase, but is much lower when compared to a standard 20mg daily dose of Nolvadex in the same study, which increased Testosterone levels by 71%. Therefore, it has been determined that Toremifene is not as potent as Nolvadex for this purpose and that instead, the Toremifene dosage for a more effective boost in Testosterone production should be in the range of 120mg per day. This dose can be maintained for a 4 – 6 week PCT period, but some anabolic steroid users have also opted to taper their doses down (for example, 120mg/day for the first week of PCT, 100mg/day for the second week of PCT, and then 60mg/day for the remaining 3 – 4 weeks of PCT).

It is also a highly recommended idea to utilize Toremifene with HCG and an aromatase inhibitor for a more effective and complete PCT protocol (for more information, see the Post Cycle Therapy article).

Proper Administration and Timing of Toremifene Dosage

There are no special considerations where the administration and timing of Toremifene doses are concerned. Toremifene can be administered before, during, or following meals. It may also be consumed in the morning or at night before bed. There should be no reason to split up the Toremifene dosage throughout the day, as Toremifene’s half-life is 5 days, which is considered long enough to maintain stable blood levels over a 24 hour (or longer) period without having to split up tablets or dosages.

Expectations and Results from Toremifene Dosages

Toremifene is utilized either to prevent, mitigate, or block the development of gynecomastia. For this purpose, it is an excellent addition as either an on-hand treatment in the event that gynecomastia development begins or its use in the prevention of it. It is also useful for the stimulation of natural endogenous Testosterone production, especially following the cessation of an anabolic steroid cycle when the HPTA’s function has either been suppressed or shut down due to the use of exogenous androgens. For this purpose, Toremifene can be used for hormonal recovery.

Toremifene Refernces:

[1] Influence of toremifene on the endocrine regulation in breast cancer patients. Számel I, Hindy I, Vincze B, Eckhardt S, Kangas L, Hajba A. Eur J Cancer. 1994;30A(2):154-8.

[2] The effect of selective estrogen receptor modulator administration on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis in men with idiopathic oligozoospermia. Tsourdi E, Kourtis A, Farmakiotis D, Katsikis I, Salmas M, Panidis D. Fertil Steril. 2009 Apr;91(4 Suppl):1427-30. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.06.002. Epub 2008 Aug 9.