Beginners are at the most influential stage of their anabolic steroid using journey and are perhaps the most impressionable at the pre-use stage, as well as the actual novice/beginner stage of the first few anabolic steroid cycles. This is because beginner anabolic steroid users as well as individuals who are still engaging in research in preparation to engage in their first anabolic steroid cycle are at the highest risk of being exposed to a vast amount of misinformation, false claims, myths, and dangerous instruction in regards to proper use and anabolic steroid cycling protocols.
The main issue with the world of anabolic steroid use is the fact that because the medical establishment has distanced itself with the anabolic steroid using community (for the purpose of performance and physique enhancement), the development of proper cycling protocols has for the most part been left to individuals who possess absolutely no formal education in human physiology, biochemistry, or medical education. Those few who do possess backgrounds in these fields of science have successfully steered the direction of instruction into proper and truthful pathways. However, the internet and much of the world is saturated with dangerous misinformation, personal opinion, and conflicting information and views. This particular guide to proper anabolic steroid cycles will provide real practical information on real world use, doses, and proper explanations backed by proper explanations of how various instructions pertain to the knowledge of proper human biological and biochemical functions.
Much of the proper safety protocols and guidance pertaining to the manner in which a beginner or first-time anabolic steroid user should proceed in utilizing anabolic steroids has been outlined very clearly in the introduction to this article.
The introduction of this article has been made especially clear of the following instructions and facts:
– Why first-time users and beginners to anabolic steroid cycles should utilize Testosterone-only as their first anabolic steroid cycle, as well as several subsequent cycles afterwards.
– Why stacking should never be done on the very first cycle.
– Why every prospective anabolic steroid user should maximize all natural pathways prior to the decision to utilize anabolic steroids.
All of these points and more have already been covered and answered in as in-depth detail as possible, and it is therefore unnecessary to repeat every explanation here.
What Beginner Anabolic Steroid Cycles Are About
Anabolic steroid cycles for the beginner, as with every single practice in this world, is a learning curve. The very first cycle, as well as the subsequent 2 or 3 cycles afterwards, is performed in specific methodology so as to allow the beginner to experience, gauge, test, and explore his own body’s reactions to these hormones. As every individual’s reaction is different to different hormones in supraphysiological levels, a first-time cycle should always be treated as an explorative test-run.
This is not to say that an individual cannot gain a significant amount of muscle mass or make stellar progress, but the first few cycles for a beginner anabolic steroid user serve the purpose of allowing individuals to learn about themselves and learn about the effects of Testosterone first-hand. Some preliminary considerations must also be considered so as to ensure that a beginner’s first-time cycle is run as perfectly and as smoothly as possible:
– Ensure nutrition and training experience is sufficient enough so as to make meaningful and safe progress from a beginner anabolic steroid stack (explained in greater detail in the introduction).
– Ensure that nutrition and training methods are properly structured and as perfect as possible so as to ensure proper progress (for example, if bulking, caloric intake must be high enough in a surplus so as to allow new muscle growth, and training must also be properly tweaked and perfected prior to engaging in any stacks. Failure to meet these requirements will result in less than desirable progress, gains, and often times will result in absolutely zero progress (often leaving the beginner wondering why their anabolic “steroids didn’t work” when the reality is that the problem is not with the anabolic steroids but with the individual’s inadequate/improper nutritional habits and training methods).
– Ensure proper monetary preparation. Individuals ill-prepared to invest the proper amounts of money required to construct into a PROPER cycle will always result in failure and possible damage due to improperly structured cycles. Ignoring this important preliminary consideration will result in regret. Anabolic steroids are very serious drugs that are not cheap, and must be utilized properly with the proper background knowledge. An individual who is not serious enough (or incapable) to invest the appropriate amounts of money is not serious enough to engage in anabolic steroid use.
– Very important: Ensure all appropriate drugs, ancillary drugs/compounds (such as SERMS, AIs, etc.), support supplements and all necessary components required for the cycle are within possession prior to beginning. The internet, gyms, and the whole world is full of individuals who were too impatient to begin anabolic steroid use prior to making sure that all components were in possession prior to starting. Without all components (including the full amount of anabolic steroid(s) required for a full cycle), individuals will generate a high risk of encountering side effects that cannot be dealt with due to the lack of components as a result of rushing into a cycle. Many individuals have developed full gynecomastia (breast tissue) as a result of beginning a cycle prior to holding any SERMS or AIs in possession in the event that gynecomastia becomes an issue.
These are all basic preliminary considerations that are especially important for beginners to anabolic steroid use, but they also apply to all 3 tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).
The Best and Worst Anabolic Steroid Choices for Beginner Steroid Cycles
It is important for every beginner to understand what is an appropriate choice for a cycle and what is not, and what choices are merely acceptable (not a stellar choice but not a horrible one either). It has already been established that a very first cycle consisting of Testosterone-only is the best and safest choice for a beginner. The reasons for such a choice have already been made very clear. With this being said, the most appropriate choices of compounds will be covered here.
One very important detail to be made clear to any and all beginners is the fact that not only should oral anabolic steroids not be used in a cycle, but that absolutely no cycle should ever consist of only oral anabolic steroids under any circumstances. The decision to run a cycle consisting of only a single anabolic steroid and no injectable compounds is most usually the very first decision of any beginner or individual looking to begin anabolic steroid use. This is usually the result of a fear of needles, but this must be overcome, and once overcome it becomes much easier afterwards. Oral anabolic steroids are not designed to be run solitarily (on their own), and instead serve to act as supplementary compounds to a solid base cycle that should always include injectable compounds, of which an essentially required injectable being Testosterone (for every single cycle). Injectable compounds are the base compounds of any cycle, and all orals are meant to be supplementary or ‘kickstarting’ compounds (this will be explained later).
With this being said, there are various injectable compounds that require very frequent injections, while there are also more beginner-friendly compounds that require infrequent administration of injections. For example, Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate are both known as long-estered compounds that exhibit a very slow window of release and a long half-life incomparison to other fast-acting anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Propionate. Long-estered compounds such as Testosterone Enanthate are commonly utilized by beginners and are very suitable for beginners due to the fact that beginners and first-time users are commonly shy, scared, and/or squeamish when the issue of needles and injections are concerned.
Once again, the reader must be reminded that anabolic steroids are very serious drugs, and every individual, if considering the use of anabolic steroids, must engage in proper administration protocols. If an individual is not serious enough to perform proper administration via injection of anabolic steroids, then he/she is not serious enough to engage in anabolic steroid use.
The following lists are in order of the most appropriate choice of compounds to the most inappropriate (top to bottom of the lists):
– Testosterone Enanthate
– Testosterone Cypionate
– Sustanon 250 (blend of 4 different esterified Testosterone variants)
– Testosterone Propionate
– Testosterone Enanthate
– Testosterone Cypionate
– Sustanon 250 (blend of 4 different esterified Testosterone variants)
– Testosterone Propionate
– Equipoise (AKA Boldenone Undecylenate)
– Deca-Durabolin (AKA Nandrolone Decanoate)
– Injectable Winstrol (AKA Stanozolol)
– Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
– Oral Winstrol (AKA Stanozolol)
– Dianabol (Methandrostenolone, Methandienone)
– Anavar (Oxandrolone)
– Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)
– Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)
– Anadrol (Oxymetholone)
– Masteron (Drostanolone)
– Trenbolone
In the case of anabolic steroids such as Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Sustanon 250, Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) and Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate), these anabolic steroids are known as long-estered compounds. As mentioned earlier, this indicates that they possess long half-lives and must be injected twice weekly where the full weekly dose is split evenly into two injections. For example, a 500mg/week Testosterone Enanthate cycle would require a 250mg injection on Monday followed by a 250mg injection on Thursday. This is so as to maintain proper stable steady peak blood plasma levels of the hormone. Although individuals can still make progress with a single weekly injection, twice weekly injections are ideal in order to maintain stable and steady peak blood plasma levels. Failure to do so will result in increased incidence and intensity of side effects due to peaks and valleys in unstable blood plasma levels.
For more specific details in regards to the half-life of individual particular anabolic steroids and for specific detailed administration instructions, please read each individual anabolic steroid profile.
Beginner Cycle Examples
The following cycle examples are in chronological order. That is to say that the following cycle examples are examples of cycles as a beginner would progress from a first-time cycle to subsequent cycles afterwards, and to a third cycle after that, and so on and so forth as a beginner slowly gains experience. As a beginner builds cycle experience, he would slowly add different compounds so as to ‘test the waters’, although it should be made clear that any beginner’s first two or three cycles should consist of Testosterone-only.
First-Time Beginner Cycle Example (12 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1 – 12:
– Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week
Beginner Cycle Example #1 (14 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1 – 14:
– Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week
– Equipoise at 400mg/week
Beginner Cycle Example #2 (12 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1 – 12:
– Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week
– Nandrolone Decanoate (AKA Deca Durabolin) at 400mg/week
Beginner Cycle Example #3 (12 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1 – 12:
– Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week
– Nandrolone Decanoate (AKA Deca Durabolin) at 400mg/week
Weeks 1 – 4:
– Dianabol at 25mg/day
Oral Anabolic Steroids for ‘Kickstarting’

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‘Kickstarting’ is a practice that should be used once a beginner has obtained a fair amount of cycle experience to the point where oral anabolic steroids are now stacked with other compounds. This is a technique whereby the user will include an oral anabolic steroid in a cycle for the first several weeks (this is usually done in tandem with a long-estered injectable anabolic steroid due to the longer kick-in period). Because the kick-in period for most injectables (especially long esters) is a matter of a few weeks into a cycle, one usually will not experience the positive effects until such time. The oral anabolic steroid utilized during these first few weeks will enable the user to experience the positive anabolic effects of the oral while the effects of the injectable compound slowly increase. By the time the oral compound is discontinued (or nearing the end of its use), the injectable compound’s anabolic effects are in full swing and a near seamless transition is made. Dianabol is one such anabolic steroid that is commonly utilized to this effect as a kickstarting compound due to its considerable anabolic strength.