Multiple People in Florida Indicted for Running an Illegal Steroid Distribution Network.
At least six people and two independent corporations (all of which are based out of Florida) have recently been indicted under charges for distributing illegal dietary supplements and anabolic steroids, as reported by news outlets in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Philip Braun, Aaron Singerman, Robert DiMaggio, Anthony Ventrella, David Winsauer, and James Boccuzzi were all charged in this indictment, and indictment that carried 14 individual counts according to the federal grand jury in Miami, Florida.

This indictment claims that the individuals associated with this case are responsible for selling hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of illegal products, products that included anabolic steroids and counterfeit pharmaceuticals such as SARMs. The indictment also claims that these individuals distributed these illegal drugs throughout the United States as well as internationally, all while representing themselves as a 100% legitimate and aboveboard business in two different cases.
The legal corporations that had been set up by this distribution network claimed that these products were legitimate dietary supplements. Nowhere did the defendants disclose the fact that all of the products they made available for sale were controlled substances and 100% illegal in the United States as well as the international municipalities where they were distributed.
The indictment also went on to state that the defendants had conspired together with one another to create an illegal manufacturing facility (classified as an Underground Laboratory, sometimes referred to as a UGL). Not only that, but the defendants also worked to funnel these illegal products through a number of trusted retail distribution networks that were 100% unaware of what these products actually were in the first place. This was done in an effort to avoid detection from law enforcement officials, a ruse specifically concocted because the defendants understood that they weren’t going to be able to sell these substances aboveboard.
Assistants of the Attorney General of the Department of Justice and their Civil Division went on record to state that these individuals are looking for ways to defraud customers, to distribute extremely dangerous chemical compounds, and are looking for ways to hide the fact that they were breaking the law.
These individuals also look for ways to keep their customers ignorant of what the actual chemical compounds in their products were, potentially threatening their short and long-term health and putting the overall wellness of the public at jeopardy.
Each and every one of the collective defendants in this indictment were charged with at least one count of conspiracy to defraud consumers as well as the FDA. A number of the members of this group were also handed down charges of introducing unapproved drugs into interstate commerce, and all of the members are looking at significant jail time should they be found guilty.
All defendants are also given a number of different counts of distribution of anabolic steroids, counts of the distribution of controlled substances, and counts of possession of controlled substances with the intent to distribute. All told, the members of this distribution ring could be looking at jail time upwards of 10 years or more depending on how things shake out moving forward.