Clomid Dosage


Clomid is the most popular endogenous Testosterone simulating compound among the anabolic steroid using community. This is due in part because of how long it has been on the market, as well as being the very first fertility drug (for both men and women) that anabolic steroid users first took notice of. Despite the fact that Nolvadex has demonstrated an overall better ability to stimulate Testosterone levels in men, Clomid nevertheless remains a staple compound for hormonal recovery during PCT for most anabolic steroid users. The overwhelming majority of PCT protocols will include Clomid and Nolvadex together for an added effect on HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis) recovery during the post-cycle period, although there are some problems and setbacks related to Clomid’s action that will be covered shortly. Clomid doses in comparison to Nolvadex, for example, will normally need to be in the higher range in order for the compound to do its job in the body, as it is not as powerful as its brother compound Nolvadex, and this will be explained shortly.

In terms of Clomid dosages for the purpose of HPTA and endogenous Testosterone restoration, one study has demonstrated that 150mg of Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) administered daily raised endogenous Testosterone levels of 10 healthy males by approximately 150%, while incidentally, 20mg of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) daily raised endogenous Testosterone levels by the same amount[1]. It is very evident here that Clomid is very effective for this purpose, but Nolvadex seems to be a more cost-effective choice seeing as though it is more effective than Clomid when compared mg for mg. Nevertheless, Clomid can still be a very valuable compound for hormonal restoration, as Clomid doses of 100mg daily would theoretically raise Testosterone levels to 100% above baseline, and 50mg would raise Testosterone levels to 50% above baseline, etc.

Some further studies have demonstrated Clomid’s effectiveness in the long term, where 178 hypogonadal males also suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) were administered Clomid dosages for 4 months, and 75% of the test subjects improved while 25% did not – however, all test subjects exhibited significant increases in LH, FSH, and Testosterone production[2]. The study had also noted that with short term administration, only modest increases in sexual function were observed. It is very evident that Clomid can be utilized as an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in most males, even during the long-term.

Prior to delving into any further details, an important note must be made to the reader:

The use of SERMs or any anti-Estrogens should only be utilized when absolutely required, and should be discontinued as soon as the requirements to use them (such as gynecomastia or insufficient androgen production) have desisted.

Medical Clomid Dosage

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is utilized within the medical establishment primarily for the treatment of ovulatory dysfunction (female infertility), which prevents problems for females attempting pregnancy. For this purpose, the prescription Clomid doses land in the range of 50mg per day, and Clomid administration is to only begin 5 days after the menstrual cycle has started. Following this, Clomid doses are to be continued for only 5 days. If an improvement in ovulation is not observed, then prescription Clomid doses are to be increased to 100mg daily for the same 5 day period.

Most of the time, medical professionals will have their patients engage in an average of 6 of these aforementioned cycles, provided the therapy does not work the first several times.

Clomid Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use

Although Nolvadex is the more potent, better suited, and stronger choice over Clomid for the mitigation of gynecomastia during cycles, Clomid can indeed be utilized for this purpose. Nolvadex, however, should be the first and foremost choice among anabolic steroid users for this purpose, and is normally the only choice among experienced anabolic steroid users.

For the purpose of gynecomastia prevention/reduction during a cycle: Although Clomid doses are not normally utilized for either the prevention of the development of gynecomastia during an anabolic steroid cycle, the Clomid doses are approximately 50 – 100mg daily during an anabolic steroid cycle. Some individuals have found that Clomid’s effectiveness as an Estrogen antagonist in breast tissue is in fact so weak compared to Nolvadex that Clomid doses might require even higher administrations above 100mg daily.

Female Clomid Dosage

Female anabolic steroid users should not have any requirement for the use of Clomid, as breast tissue growth (gynecomastia) is not normally a concern among female athletes, and nor is the issue of insufficient Testosterone production, seeing as though females do not possess a necessary requirement for the same normal physiological levels of Testosterone that males do. Various female anabolic steroid using bodybuilders have been known to utilize Clomid for various purposes leading up to a competition show, but it is highly recommended that females do not engage in this practice due to the fact that Clomid (particularly in pre-menopausal females) presents various serious and very inconvenient side effects.

Clomid Dosage for Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion and PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

The fact that Clomid is an effective HPTA and endogenous Testosterone stimulating agent is well documented and has been covered extensively thus far throughout this profile. The fact that Clomid is less effective at acting as an Estrogen antagonist in breast tissue compared to its effectiveness in restoring hormonal function is the reason as to why it is utilized primarily and exclusively for the latter reason among anabolic steroid users. However, it is still important to note that on a mg for mg basis, Nolvadex is far superior to Clomid. Normally it is because of this that if any individuals still insist on the use of Clomid at all, it should be included as a multi-compound PCT program in which it is also used with Nolvadex and perhaps HCG (many will also include the use of an aromatase inhibitor to mitigate the Estrogenic effects of HCG administration).

The standard Clomid doses for PCT (for the purpose of stimulating the release of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone), LH, FSH, and ultimately Testosterone) is that of 50 – 100mg daily.

Proper Administration And Timing of Clomid Dosages

There are no special considerations in regards to the administration of Clomid. It can be taken before, during, or after meals. It can also be consumed in the morning or at night time. It is recommended to ingest the full dose all at once as opposed to splitting the Clomid doses up throughout the day, which is largely unnecessary due to its long half-life of 5 – 7 days.

Expectations And Results From Clomid Dosages

Clomid generally serves as an effective endogenous Testosterone production stimulating compound, ideal for proper hormonal recovery following the end of an anabolic steroid cycle. Although it can be used for the treatment or reversal of early development gynecomastia, it is not recommended due to its poor ability at achieving such an effect, where Nolvadex is the preferred agent of the two.



Clomid References:


[1] Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men. Vermeulen A, Comhaire F. Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7.

[2] Clomiphene increases free testosterone levels in men with both secondary hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction: who does and does not benefit? Guay AT, Jacobson J, Perez JB, Hodge MB, Velasquez E. Int J Impot Res. 2003 Jun;15(3):156-65.