Weightlifting coach and physical education teacher at a renowned Colonial High School, Sean Grove, who has been in employment with the Orange County Public Schools for more than twenty years has been arrested on charges of possession of prescription drugs while not having a valid prescription and possession of controlled anabolic steroids. The arrest occurred in February 2018, where he was held at the Orange County Jail before later being released on bail.

Sean Grove has been caught selling anabolic steroids
His arrest occurred after school administrators were tipped off anonymously that he had been selling anabolics, Cialis and Viagra. These substances have been sold on to students in the high school and this was not the first time that Rose had been reported for dealing in steroids and other during the years of 2015 to 2016, a private inquiry extricated Grove after the first hip-hop had been received. The incident was never reported by the ocps to the county sheriff’s office.
It was after the second tip-off had been received by the ocps that they reported him. The Orange County Sheriff’s Office responded by dispatching a school resource officer to undertake an investigation. This happened in February of 2018. Grove authorized the school resource officer to search the interior of his truck. It was here that they discovered two vials of steroids in there injectable form. He pretended to act surprised when the SRO announced that they had found the injectable steroids inside the vehicle.
In the end, he admitted having used anabolic steroids previously as part of the bodybuilding competitions that he took part in. In days gone by he had competed in physical competitions, such as the 2013 NPC teen Nationals, the NPC Orlando Metropolitan Nationals, and the NPC Florida State Nationals. Be that as it may, he outright and vehemently denied ever selling anabolic steroids or other substances including illegal PEDs to any High School students or anyone else. He told investigators that he may have been framed by an ex girlfriend, his ex-wife, or a rival coach in the world of weightlifting.
One of his students, 17 year old weightlifter Eric pagan took to his coaches defense regarding the charges. He stated that his coach had never and would not sell anabolic steroids to anyone, let alone students. In fact, he went on to say that Grove would be consistent with discouraging weightlifters at Colonial high from becoming involved with anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Grove is currently on administrative leave while the ocps perform their own private investigations and inquiries into alleged charges.
The final outcome from the alleged steroid selling charges are yet to be seen, and his future as a coach of Colonial High School weightlifting all hangs in the balance. Depending on the results of the criminal investigation, along with the outcome of the school’s internal investigations, it is not yet known as to whether he will be reinstated as a physical educator and weightlifting coach. While they charge of selling anabolic steroids and prescription medications to others is bad enough and its own, the fact that he has been accused of selling these to minors under his care makes it all the worse.
However, it would be unfair to judge before the final verdict is delivered on this case as the allegations may well turn out to be false. It is no secret that many bodybuilders and weightlifters use anabolic steroids to improve their overall physique and strength. But whether the allegations are true or not about Grove supplying performance enhancing drugs to students should be left to the investigating bodies to discover.