Monthly Archives: February 2018

Pierpaolo De Negri Fails To Pass Test For Anabolic Steroid Use

  Thirty one year old Italian rider, Mr. Pierpaolo De Negri has failed to pass testing to rule out the use of anabolic steroids, and his results return adverse findings showing there to have been anabolic androgenic steroids in his system. The sample which produced the adverse results was collected in December of 2017. Between the years of 2014 and 2017, the rider rode as part of the Nippo Read more [...]

Detective of Edmonton Police Convicted on Charges of Steroid Trafficking

  A long-standing detective of Edmonton Police, detective Greg Lewis has been convicted of the criminal act of trafficking steroids. He had a long 10 year history of service for Edmonton police force and the charges date back to the years of 2007 to 2013. The court found him to be guilty are providing anabolic steroids on a regular basis to several colleagues who were also a part of law enforcement. Read more [...]

United States drug official discovered to have been the director for a supplement company that produced Superdrol illegally

  The Deputy Chief of Staff for the USDC (US Drug Czar), a Mr. Taylor Weyeneth is currently being quizzed with regards to his limited qualifications relating to his post of Deputy Chief of Staff. This quizzing surrounds the manufacturer and distribution of certain designer anabolics, along with the importation of illegal substances at a supplement company that he had previously worked at. The Read more [...]

Lord Menzies Campbell, British Politician Trying To Criminalize UK Steroid Possession

  One of the United Kingdoms most prominent politicians are working to make it a criminal offense to be in possession of anabolic steroids without a genuine and valid doctors prescription. Lord Campbell has over 40 years of political power under his belt and is pushing to make it a criminal offense to have steroids for athletic purposes. Campbell is the chancellor at the University of Read more [...]

Young Rugby Player Dies After Using Clenbuterol

  "It is just not worth the risk". These are the harrowing words from the parents of a budding young sportsman whose life was sadly snatched away after using an athletic performance enhancing drug Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, also commonly referred to as Clen is a drug designed to help treat conditions relating to breathing problems caused by asthma and severe allergies. It is a well-known Read more [...]

Westminster Bridge Terrorist Used Steroids In The Time Leading Up To The Attack

  The London terrorist, Adrian Russell, who drove a vehicle into oncoming pedestrians on Westminster bridge in March 2017 has been found to have injected himself with anabolic steroids in the days and hours before committing his heinous crime. The British national was a convert to Islam and took on the made-up name of Khalid Masood. The results of steroid use came to light during a testimony Read more [...]

Amanda Ribas On 2 Year Suspension From UFC After Testing Positive For SARM Ostarine

  Mixed martial arts athlete, Amanda Ribas, who competes as part of the straw-weight category in the Ultimate Fight Championships has been dealt with a 2-year suspension from participating in the sport after testing for performance enhancing drugs gave a positive result. It is known that she had the SARM Ostarine in her system. The Selective Androgen Modulator Receptor is a popular choice among Read more [...]

Seven Facing Charges Relating To The Production And Sale Of Anabolic Steroids

  Four women and three men are looking at jail time after they admitted to being guilty on charges of conspiracy to manufacture and sell anabolic steroids and with another charge of money laundering. The seven of them are due to stand trial in the near future at Caernarfon Crown Court after changing their pleas from not guilty to guilty. The pleas were changed just prior to the jury hearing Read more [...]

Jeremy Stephens Says Steroid Users Are Pu*sies

  Stephens, who is a mixed martial arts athlete, who often competes as a featherweight in the UFC has called out steroid users as being a “bunch of bitches” and “cheating Pussies”. He is said to be ecstatic that the USADA has become involved in the ongoing scandal. In a recent interview, Stephens made his dislike for steroid users well and truly known. He has nothing but praise Read more [...]

New Zealand Rugby Stars Banned After Steroid Use

Four of New Zealand's budding rugby players have been banned from playing the sport after allegations of steroid use surfaced. The four men were linked to the site 'NZ Clenbuterol', which is a domestically owned internet source. The 4 players are now under suspension and an investigation is now ongoing to get to the bottom of the claims. The players, R. Pederson, Z. Berry, G. Robertson, and Read more [...]

Tyson Fury Allowed To Box Again

  One of the world's most dynamic boxers is finally back in the ring, but there are still going to be a lot of issues associated with that. Tyson Fury is a name synonymous with amazing punching power and putting on a phenomenal show, but the gentleman in question had to put a pause on his career because he was banned due to anti-doping violations. This is a major milestone for the man because Read more [...]